Monday, July 26, 2010

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes....

I think I had one of the best childhoods.  I was surrounded by family who loved me and I lived next door to my cousin who was 6 months my junior. JACKPOT! We had our good times where we did everything together, we dressed alike, styled our hair alike, and our not so good times like when we used to fight over Barbies, bikes, and which Disney movie to watch. One of her favorites was The Little Mermaid but her ultimate fav was Cinderella. I think we watched this movie every single day of our lives for about 3 years straight. I'm not joking. Now, I would have never admitted this back then because it may have resulted in watching twice a day but I think Cinderella was my favorite too. I mean it's a classic fairytale. You're a maid for your mean stepmom, you sing to birds, get a fairy godmom and poof a prince.  What else could a girl want right? A lot of people blame womens' fantasies on fairytales. I totally disagree. I think its a combination of things, primarily our genetic makeup. Women are soft, loving, caring beings. Whoaaaa sistah soulja now don't get me wrong. I'm not by any means saying we can't do what men can do and in most cases better than they can (sorry hunny).  I'm just saying we're different. I bring up this topic because of a comment by one of my twitter followers.  @The_Future_Wife made a remark about a big wedding vs. a solid marriage.  If I had to choose I would rather a solid marriage stuffed full of love, kindness, compassion, sincerity, and the list goes on.  Again, there's nothing wrong with a big wedding shoot I had one (thanks mom, thanks dad) and it was themed around a fairytale of all things, but anyone will tell you I planned that thing in the blink of an eye.  We were engaged for two years, we really started planning after about a year, and once we had booked a place my sister gave me a word of advice.  She said don't talk about "the wedding" in every conversation because "the wedding" will come and "the wedding" will go and then what will the last year of your relatonship have been centered around? A wedding?  She was absolutely right so I made it my business to keep the wedding on the back burner and the relationship right up front.  In my planning I also made it a point to focus on the marriage ceremony rather than the reception.  We had a lot of elements that were special to us and that gave me chills and I will always remember.  I had a lot of fun at my reception but my ceremony mattered the most to me.  So much so that I had two (one right after the other).  I always joke with my husband that I should have two rings since he married me twice.  My whole point is to all you unmarried women; it's just a day...really.  It rained on my wedding day, my pastor had to cancel due to a family emergency about 3 hours before the ceremony, a couple elements didn't play out the way I wanted them to but you know what? We still got married that day.  So to the little girl in all of us keep beliving in your fairytale but don't lose sight of reality.  That glass coach could really be a pumpkin ; )


  1. Great post. Oddly enough I used to be a bridal consultant for a well-known company. I've seen how some of the brides would fret over some of the smallest things and by their conversations, I'd wonder if they were more concerned about the wedding (dress) or the marriage. Of course you want to be in the dress of your dreams and even have the wedding of your dreams (*raises hand*). But when it's put into perspective, for me it's about God and having a lasting marriage to the man of my dreams. Once again great post.

  2. Amen to that!! Thanks for posting.
